What Makes You Tick?
I had a friend tell me recently that when he thought of me he saw a clock. "Really, a clock?" I asked. "Like your basic, old clock where all the hands move? Do I have a lot hours, or better yet, YEARS left on that clock? What are you trying to tell me?" I was so confused. He reassured me it wasn't a bad thing and it was just a question that came to mind ... "what makes you tick?" Well, that's a mighty fine question--a question I'll go ahead and push right back to you, the reader. While you contemplate that, I'll try to answer the question.
This I know: When I'm creating art, time seems to evaporate. 5 hours can go by and I'll wonder why my eyes hurt and why it feels like I haven't eaten in days. It's true what they say: Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. But as a budding, not-well-established artist, I won't quit my day job anytime soon. However, it's nice to have a hobby that I love and that fuels my creative spirit, and well, recharges the batteries of my (metaphorical) clock.